This algorithm is best suited when memory writes or swap operations are costly. It is a sorting algorithm that changes values in place. Each value is written either one time, when it has to be put in the correct position, or zero times, if it already is in its place.
// Cycle sort
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void cycleSort(int arrayOfNumbers[], int numberOfElements)
int writes = 0;
for (int cycle_start = 0; cycle_start <= numberOfElements - 2; cycle_start++)
// initialize the value of the first element
int element = arrayOfNumbers[cycle_start];
// Count all smaller values than our element
int position = cycle_start;
for (int i = cycle_start + 1; i < numberOfElements; i++)
if (arrayOfNumbers[i] < element)
// If the element is already in the correct position
if (position == cycle_start)
// Ignore duplicate elements
while (element == arrayOfNumbers[position])
position += 1;
// Put the value in the right position
if (position != cycle_start)
swap(element, arrayOfNumbers[position]);
// Cycle for the rest of elements
while (position != cycle_start)
position = cycle_start;
// Find position where we put the element
for (int i = cycle_start + 1; i < numberOfElements; i++)
if (arrayOfNumbers[i] < element)
position += 1;
// Ignore duplicate elements
while (element == arrayOfNumbers[position])
position += 1;
// Put the value in the right position
if (element != arrayOfNumbers[position])
swap(element, arrayOfNumbers[position]);
void printElementsOfArray(int arrayOfNumbers[], int numberOfElements)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfElements; ++i)
cout << arrayOfNumbers[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
int main()
int arrayOfNumbers[] = {4, 7, 9, 3, 21, 18, 23, 15, 8, 17};
int numberOfElements = sizeof(arrayOfNumbers) / sizeof(arrayOfNumbers[0]);
cycleSort(arrayOfNumbers, numberOfElements);
cout<<"The sorted array is: \n";
printElementsOfArray(arrayOfNumbers, numberOfElements);