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Inventory App - Android

This APP creates a list of products with all the information that a store would like to keep. Information about products can be inserted,...

Food News App - Android This is a simple app that collects news from the internet related to food and recipes.

C# Program: Area and Perimeter

using System; namespace AreaAndPerimeter { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ShowMenu(); } private static void ShowMenu()...

Fibonacci Series

You can create as many numbers as you desire from the Fibonacci Series using the query below. Change the value in the WHERE clause to...

Venice Tour Guide APP - Android

When you will be travelling to Venice, Italy, you can check my new Android App: This...


Views are saved queries. They are defined with a single SELECT statement. USE AdventureWorks2012; GO CREATE VIEW...

MusicAPP - Android

The code can be seen here: This is my fourth project in the...

Arrays in JAVA

An array stores a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type. // An array is a succession of values of the same type ...

Data types in JAVA

1. Byte Example: byte myByte = 10; The default value for byte is 0. The values are in the range: -128 .. -1,0,1, .. 127. Size : 8 bits....


Here you will find interesting articles about what is new in the world of HTML.


Here you will find interesting articles about what is new in the world of JAVA.


Welcome to my SQL feed. Here you will find interesting articles about what is new in the world of SQL.

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